
4 Benefits of Doing Push-ups

4 Benefits of Doing Push-ups

Overview of different types of push-ups There are many different types of push-ups that can be performed to target different muscle groups. The most common type of push-up is the standard push-up, which works the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Other types of push-ups include the dive bomber push-up, which targets the lower chest; the clap push-up, which targets the triceps;…

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Working Out as A Beginner

Working Out as A Beginner

Working out is an essential part of fitness, as people are quickly realizing. But working out can be a little difficult for a newbie as it involves some intense exercises. This article will teach you the essential things to know, do and buy as a beginner.

Get the okay from a doctor.

Most people skip this step, but it is crucial to get a physician’s approval before you start exercising, even more so for the more vigorous exercises.

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The Role of Exercise in Stress Relief

The Role of Exercise in Stress Relief

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical discomfort resulting from frustrating thoughts or events. Stress is the reaction of your mind and body to a challenge or demand. Many people in the world have to deal with stress daily. There are many ways stress is managed. They include different types of therapy, supplements, and exercise. Exercising is one of the significant and advised ways to reduce stress. From aerobics to yoga, almost all activities can help in stress reduction. This is because;

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What is Keto?

What is Keto?

You have probably heard about Keto a lot these past few years, but you have wondered, “What exactly is keto?” The Ketogenic (or Keto for short) is a diet plan where your carbohydrate intake is severely reduced while your fat and proteins are increased.

When the body’s carbohydrate supply is low enough, the liver converts stored body and dietary fats into energy. This forces your body to use existing body fat as the primary source of power, therefore helping weight loss. It may seem like a new type of diet, but studies show that it has been used in the medical field for over a century to treat epilepsy in children.

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Make Your Workout Fun

Make Your Workout Fun

If you find exercising continuous torture, you have to endure to stay healthy, and you are not alone. What if I told you there were other ways to exercise that would be fun? Do you disagree? Well, then read this to the end and let me prove it.

Entertainment Fiesta

Music is truly a blessing unto the world. While you exercise, put on your favorite jams and sing along (soundlessly if you’re in a gym). You’ll find yourself forgetting you’ve been pounding on a treadmill for an hour. Have you been there, done that, and it is not helping? Okay. Let’s crank it up. Listen to an audiobook or a podcast from your favorite comedian. Or, if you’re on a gym bicycle, you could even watch a movie or play a game. Is that safe? Totally. What do you think that little space in front of the equipment is?

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