Cats are nocturnal creatures who value affection but do not want an excess of it. They love to have their own space and feel secure in that space. Cats are often seen as proud, but in truth, they are not. They are just cats. If your goal is to keep your feline friend happy, then you are in the right place.

Get a Scratch Post

Cats are always clawing at things to keep their nails well-groomed for hunting and predatory attacks. It is best to give the options that are not your curtains or couches. A scratch post is perfect for this activity. Plus, it saves your items.


Cats love to look amazing. They like their fur washed and brushed and their body massaged (who doesn’t). If you groom them yourself, you get the added advantage of bonding.

Water Fun

Cats love water. They like to play in it, bathe with it, drink it and make a mess. It would make your cat happy if you took it out to play with the water hose or the sprinkling system.

Cat Grass

Cat grass helps cats in the digestion of foods so, cats usually like to eat this plant. As cats are carnivores, this seems like a novelty food to them.


Cats of all ages love playtime. The game does not matter as much as the environment, and they get to spend time with you. The game does not matter as much as the environment, the engagement of the games, and the fact that they get to spend time with you. They can play with many things, from lint and strings to laser lights and cat toys. However, some cats prefer to play games like hiding and seek.

Bird Watching

If cats had guilty pleasures, this would be it. They love to look up at the sky and watch the birds fly. They would appreciate it if you left a window open so they could gaze into the skies while you are out.


Cats love to jump into places. Whether this is to show off their agility or grace is yet to be decided. If you have some money to spare or a carpentry project to do, you could make perches for your cat, so they have places to jump to. Fun fact; cats can jump up to eight times their height.

Undisturbed naps

Cats love to sleep. They spend most of their days asleep, and they still manage to sleep a few hours at night. Another way to make your cat happy is to upgrade its bed. Make it cozier or add a blanket; anything will work. Cats also love dark and warm places, so to give them options, you could convert some bookshelves or the cupboard beneath the sink into a hideout/extra bedroom for your cat.


Cats love attention. Although, they accept affection only when they want to. You cannot force your cuddles on them. But when they want to be cuddled, they make the best cuddle partners and can lie content on your lap for long moments.


Making your cat happy is not rocket science. Cats are low-maintenance pets, and as long as you provide them with the basics, they will give you their unconditional love and loyalty.