If you find exercising continuous torture, you have to endure to stay healthy, and you are not alone. What if I told you there were other ways to exercise that would be fun? Do you disagree? Well, then read this to the end and let me prove it.

Entertainment Fiesta

Music is truly a blessing unto the world. While you exercise, put on your favorite jams and sing along (soundlessly if you’re in a gym). You’ll find yourself forgetting you’ve been pounding on a treadmill for an hour. Have you been there, done that, and it is not helping? Okay. Let’s crank it up. Listen to an audiobook or a podcast from your favorite comedian. Or, if you’re on a gym bicycle, you could even watch a movie or play a game. Is that safe? Totally. What do you think that little space in front of the equipment is?

Sneaky Workouts

How about you work out without actually working out? No, it is not ridiculous. When you feel tired or stressed, crank up the music and dance. If you don’t know-how, that is perfectly okay. Just move. Every movement counts. Nobody said you needed to do the BTS routine.

Another way to sneakily workout is to take particularly long calls while walking. Anytime you have to make a pre-perceived long call, you could go on a walk while making the call. That way, you get a little work out without realizing it. You could also turn date night activity into walking sometimes and take walks during informal business meetings. Smart huh?

Get a furry friend

Yup. Get a dog. These adorable creatures will force you to take a walk several evenings a week, and you will find yourself not minding it. You could also play ball with them, and all that throwing and arm movements count.

Switch it up

You do not have to keep to the same everyday routine. Once in a while, get a new exercise to fill in an old one and, after some time, switch it back up. Every day, the same workout will get boring even to those allergic to change.

Buddy up

You don’t have to work out alone, you know? Oh, you are a loner? Still, there has to be at least one person you can stand. Get a friend to work out with. Apart from providing motivation, it is an opportunity to bond, and it will feel good to see someone putting in as much work as you are.

Outfit Change

Sometimes, the outfits we wear to work out may be uncomfortable, making the entire workout tiring. If you notice that you’re constantly thinking about how your outfit could be more comfortable or are pulling some parts of the clothes, then it is probably time to change. Ladies, I am sure you can find an outfit that impresses the guy while making you comfortable.


Unless you desire a specific physique, which requires particular workouts, there are many different and varied ways to work out. You don’t have to keep to the gym to work out. A little this and a little that, and you will have burned enough calories without even knowing it.