Over 200 000 children visit the E.R each month due to playground injuries. Playgrounds are an essential part of childhood as children will want to play either alone or with friends at the playground. They serve as a form of recreational exercise that offers children fun, excitement, and opportunities for friendship. But this place has so many potential dangers, and parents should obey the following playground safety rules to avoid accidents occurring while playing.

Dress children properly

Children should be dressed in smart clothes that will not get caught on any playground equipment. Shoes should be protective with laces well tied or, better yet, elastic laces. Also, remove any accessories on your child’s neck to avoid the risk of strangling.

Check the playground environment

As the parent or guardian, it is vital to check the playground to ensure it is free of broken glass, syringes, etc. It is also essential to ensure the playground is floored with shock-absorbent materials like gravel, sand, rubber, etc., and not materials like glass or concrete.

Check for equipment safety

Not all playgrounds are effectively maintained. Some of them have damaged equipment which could lead to serious injury for your child. Before you let your child on any rides, check to ensure the ride is safe. Also ensure, they use age and weight-appropriate equipment.

Supervise your kids

While your kids play, please don’t leave them alone. There could be emergencies, or they could misuse a piece of equipment. When this happens, your immediate intervention could prevent an accident.

Make sure the weather is appropriate

After a rain, the equipment is bound to be slippery, and slippery is dangerous. Thus, children should not be allowed to play immediately after it rains. Weathers that are too windy should also be avoided.

Talk to your children

Ultimately, most of their safety depends on their behavior. Parents should talk to their children about obeying some general playground rules to ensure their safety. These rules are as follows.

  1. They should always play safe and be courteous towards their mates
  2. They should never physically or verbally abuse other playground users, especially near a piece of equipment.
  3. Instead, they should not move towards the front or rear of mechanical equipment and walk around it.
  4. They should always make sure to remove their neckties, necklaces, and scarves before playing. They should also make sure their laces are tied and look for an adult to secure them if they come loose.
  5. If they are to jump off a piece of equipment (which they should be advised not to do in the first place), they should land on their two feet and bend their knees slightly.
  6. They should not play on wet equipment. If they must use said equipment, they should find an adult to clean it for them.
  7. Teach children to stay patiently in queues.
  8. Teach them to never go to the playground without adult supervision


Playgrounds are fun places, and they should remain so. As long as these rules are followed, your child should be perfectly safe in the playground.