Hello everyone!  I just wanted to introduce myself and my new business belovedoutdoors.com.  It’s going to be an online shopping mall with several new stores COMING SOON!!!!  A one-stop-shop without having to ever leave the house.  There are still plenty of items to choose from already under each category right now.

Feel free to look around and familiarize yourself with the site.  It’s only going to keep growing and getting bigger.  Belovedoutdoors.com.  I’m so excited to introduce myself.  My name is Suz and this is my new adventure!!!  It’s going to be fun, fabulous, exciting, and full of content.

Daylight savings time is back and warmer days are ahead.  I’m so looking forward to the rebirth of Spring and what life holds in store for me in the future.  Soon all the early blooming trees will be budding up and bursting open.  I love redbuds, willows, dogwoods (pink and white), forsythia’s, lilacs, wild honeysuckle floating on the breeze.

Ahhhh….a party for the senses.

I miss my soulmate as he recently passed.   I’m sure he would be very proud of me for taking the leap. Stepping outside of my comfort zone in this new endeavor.  It’s the only way to grow.  We will be having a celebration of his life soon.  It will be epic and one for the books!  I am so looking forward to it.  We’re spreading his ashes at the beautiful property in the woods that we never quite made it to before his passing.

I’m looking forward to the freedom of being able to work from anywhere.  I can’t wait to get out into nature again.  Feel the sun on me and the wind in my hair.  Taking the dog for long walks  Glamping in my trailer.  Ha Ha, I’m not roughing it anymore.

Cookouts during the day.  Campfires at night, s’mores, and all the fancy lights in the trees at night.  The company of friends and family and new friends too.  Concerts on the weekends.  Laying out in the sun and jumping in the pool.

Enjoying my new gazebo in my yard and the new outdoor patio furniture we bought last year.  Once it’s put together, that is.  Sitting and reading or listening to a good book.  My jacuzzi tub needs a little TLC, probably a new pump put on before I can re-open it.  It was leaking when we drained it.   I’m sure that’s going to be a big job.  I have a small pool to put up too.  Just for floating around on my raft.  I’m sure I won’t be able to keep the dog out of it.

I wish had gotten a taller one.

Oh well.  We will see how it goes.  She’s bigger now than before and a little overweight.  Maybe she won’t be able to get in by jumping.  If she figures out the ladder then she’s going to have a blast.

She loves the water.  We can’t keep her out of the pond at camp.  Well, I will sign off by saying chowchow for now.

Happy daylight savings time!

#daylightsavingstime #springahead #springiscoming #Sunshine #warmbreezes #tulips #daffodils #crocus #hyacinth #lilacs #jonquils #honeysuckle #beingoutside #droughtlanderisover #outlander #retailtherapy #Easter #Lent #PalmSunday #baseball #glamping #campingintrailer #campfires #s’mores #love #laughter #Loss #grief #prayforUkraine #redbuds #shoppingmall #gazebo #lawnfurniture #Swimmingpool #walkingthedog #golfcarts #fishingpond