You have probably heard about Keto a lot these past few years, but you have wondered, “What exactly is keto?” The Ketogenic (or Keto for short) is a diet plan where your carbohydrate intake is severely reduced while your fat and proteins are increased.

When the body’s carbohydrate supply is low enough, the liver converts stored body and dietary fats into energy. This forces your body to use existing body fat as the primary source of power, therefore helping weight loss. It may seem like a new type of diet, but studies show that it has been used in the medical field for over a century to treat epilepsy in children.

This diet depends a lot on fat intake, so followers usually eat fatty foods at every meal with the exact ratio of fats to other classes of food varying from person to person. The diet does not usually distinguish between saturated and saturated fats-everything is welcome.

The Keto diet also encourages protein intake in high amounts. The protein intake is also not restricted based on the fat content. However, some proteins high in carbohydrates (carbs) are forbidden. Certain fruits and vegetables are also allowed in small amounts not to provide too many carbs.

Although in-depth research is being done on this particular diet and there are quite a few controversies on its safety (especially since there are little to no long-term research studies), the following are said to be its benefits;

Brain Health

The keto diet has been known to help treat several neurological diseases in both adults and children. It has been used for centuries to treat epilepsy in children. Recently, research is being conducted on its effect on patients with Alzheimer’s and migraines, and the results are promising.


There are arguments that Keto helps in several mood-related illnesses like depression. It is said to have mood-stabilizing and anti-depressant effects.

Weight Management

The keto diet supports weight management in that it helps get rid of excess body fat, thus helping in weight loss. Apart from using body fat, it also reduces cravings and hunger drastically.

Management and Prevention of Diabetes

Researches have shown that low-carb eating patterns help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes. This is due to its effect of increasing the body’s insulin sensitivity which means glucose can get out of the bloodstream and into the cells.

There is a lot of research still ongoing on the keto diet. A lot of controversies are also being addressed. Some of them are that;

  1. The Keto diet causes nutrient deficiencies as a lot of foods are banned
  2. The high rate of fat metabolism can cause an existing liver problem to worsen
  3. It can cause kidney problems due to an increased rate of protein metabolism
  4. It can cause mood swings as the brain may not have enough sugar from healthy carbs to function correctly.


Although Keto has a bit of controversy, they have been said to have a straightforward solution. Go to a dietician. A licensed dietician should draw up a keto diet plan to avoid the above health risks. Good luck on your diet journey.